
Makin’ Jobs

It’s a real bummer that the federal government is instituting a pay freeze for its employees, and that useful, common sense projects, such as high-speed rail, are getting the axe just for the sake of knee-jerk partisan showboating.

But at least Kentucky is going to spend $37 million dollars to create 900 new jobs! And what are those jobs? Carnies 4 Jesus!

On Wednesday, Gov. Steve Beshear unveiled plans for a new tourist attraction in Grant County that will feature a full-scale replica of Noah’s Ark.

Ark Encounter LLC, a for-profit entity, and Answers in Genesis, the nonprofit ministry that built the Creation Museum in Petersburg, will partner to build the $150 million Ark Encounter on a 160-acre site.

I will be in the corner, awaiting the sputtered notes of protest from oh-so principled teabaggers. DON’T YOU KNOW OUR CHILDREN WILL BE INHERITING DEBT!?! They certainly won’t have a surplus of intelligence or credentials for high-tech jobs.

Maybe we can get better infrastructure in this country if every project had an earmark to fund saddled fiberglass dinosaurs for photo-ops.

(Another fun fact: Governor Steve Beshear is a Democrat. Bunch of godless abortanazis, no?)

6 Responses to “Makin’ Jobs”

  1. December 2, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    I’m not sure I can absorb all this progress at one time. I was already this morning trying to get my head around the Eastern Shawnee Tribe’s plan for a new $85,000,000 casino west of Seneca (today’s Globe). Jobs! Progress! You betcha.

    I have started some reading on economics. I am hoping that the book will help me understand “progress”. Does the quality of progress matter? Or is it only important that we scurry around madly, regardless of the nature of the activity? Reports like these make me wonder.

    Ecce homo. Homo Sapiens,or homo sap?


  2. December 2, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    RIGHT! I knew that. I just wanted to see if you did!

    😆 😆

  3. 4 Calvinist of the Ozarks
    December 3, 2010 at 12:39 am

    Wow, thanks for posting this. I didn’t know about it. I want to go.

  4. December 3, 2010 at 2:35 am


    Fine. Say hello to Alley Oop for us.

  5. December 4, 2010 at 8:16 pm

    “If it makes money, it should not be hampered in any way. I learned that from Anson Burlingame, puppy mill owners and Ayn Rand.”

    HA! Great line!

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